Support the Artful Painter

Donate to The Artful Painter

UPDATE: As some of you may know from my social media accounts, my wife and I recently bought a house in Colorado. We are in the process of renovating the old farmhouse we purchased. After we move, I plan to renovate a large studio space where I can have plenty of room to paint and produce the Artful Painter podcast. We’re excited about the move! However, there’s a lot of work still to do, and that means my production of the Artful Painter podcast will take a hit over the next three or four months.

I deeply appreciate all those who have donated to the Artful Painter. Also, I totally understand if you decide to hold off contributing to the show until it’s back in full-time production. Of course, you can still contribute if you find value in the existing content. Again, thank you all for your support! I’m looking forward to settling down in Colorado and getting back to painting and podcasting!


A few years ago I attended a week-long workshop by Plein Air Painters of America at the Booth Museum in Cartersville, Georgia. It was a transformative moment for me in my learning to paint. The instructors at that workshop encapsulated years of experience and incomparable painting wisdom. I realized at that workshop that these artists have something to say worth preserving. So the idea of doing a podcast came to mind. True, there are other podcasts out there that feature interviews with artists. However, I felt there was more to be said.

One thing I resolved in to do in my interviews with artists was to avoid the tired old trope of “tell us about yourself” and then proceed into an hour long story beginning with “I picked up a crayon when I was two years old.” While that is an important part of an artist’s story – that’s what a biography on the artist’s website is for. I wanted to jump right into what the artist is doing now and gain insight on their process for finding a concept and creating a painting. If the conversation happened to do a flash-back to the artist's early development - that’s fine because now it adds context to where the artist is today in the development of their craft. I strongly feel what artists are doing today and the direction they are going in the future is a far more compelling narrative.

Hence, the Artful Painter was born.

Producing this podcast and sharing it with you - whether you are an artist, a collector, or someone who simply loves art - is a joy to me. However, I will admit it takes a considerable amount of time and money to produce. In each episode I seek to present artist guests in the best possible light. Most podcasters record an interview and then publish it as-is. Their audio levels are all over the place. The host talks too much about themselves, and they leave in all the errors and mistakes that take away from the artist’s story. To me, this is disrespectful to the audience and to the guests that appear on the show. I endeavor to produce the highest quality content possible – and it takes time to do that.

If you like what you hear in the Artful Painter and you want to help support the show, I welcome your donations to help offset the cost of publishing the Artful Painter. To help, all you have to do is click on the donate button below and select the amount you want to donate. You can donate whatever you want – whether it’s one dollar or more. Be assured that whatever you are able to give is very much appreciated and it does make a difference. At the time of writing this (May 2021) I have had the privilege of recording and sharing interviews with over 60 artists. Your financial support helps make that possible.

Thank you for your support of the Artful Painter!

P.S. - Please let others know about the show. Your referrals are a big help in expanding the reach of the Artful Painter.

 Associate Producers of the Artful Painter

I like to call everyone who makes a donation to the Artful Painter podcast an “associate producer.” In the film and television industry producers often handle financial aspects of a show production. The same is true with financial contributors to the Artful Painter. Every monetary donation helps offset the cost of creating and hosting the show. Below is a complete list of everyone who has made a donation to the show. Wherever possible I’ve provided a link to either one of their social media accounts or website. It’s my way of saying to each cherished Associate Producer: Thank You!


Shareen Fancher


Note: If I missed anyone I’m terribly sorry! Please let me know and I’ll correct my list. For a few contributors I did not have anything to link to. If you are one of them, and would like for me to link to your social media or website, please let me know. Again, thank you all!