Ariana Richards


Episode 65

Ariana Richards - Poetic Realism - Artful Painter 65

Episode length: 1 hour

Ariana Richards delights in expressing her creativity in both painting and acting. Encouraged by her family at an early age, she developed an intense interest in the arts. She developed her painting skills even though as a young child she was busy acting. Ariana has appeared in over 30 movies and television shows – including portraying the young computer wizard Lex in Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park. She went on to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts and Drama at Skidmore College. Her painting skills earned her the honor of being one of the youngest artists to become a member of the California Art Club. She is also a member of the Portrait Society of America.

Ariana's creative roots in the arts can be traced to one of her early ancestors: Renaissance painter Carlo Crivelli who lived during the 1400s. With a deep respect for the old masters and a keen appreciation of the Impressionists, Ariana has developed her own sensitive, expressive voice that is an amalgamation of both worlds. Her beautiful portraits gently capture a fleeting gesture of the subject. Her landscapes and seascapes encapsulate the beauty and light of a moment in time. The gorgeous result of Ariana Richard's finely honed creative voice is Poetic Realism.


Ariana Richards


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Carl Olson

Artist, photographer, filmmaker, and podcaster.

Mitchell Albala


Robert Henri