Stephen C. Datz

The Rhythm and Geometry

Episode 48

Episode length: 1 hour, 36 minutes

Stephen C. Datz paints the American Western landscape in his own clear voice. Strong, angular design, rich harmonious colors, and a striking interpretation of the landscape are hallmarks of Stephen’s style. It took hard work and determination on his part to get here. In this episode, Stephen talks about how his unique voice developed.

He was frustrated by how unprepared he was to make a living in fine art after earning a BFA from Colorado State University. He flailed for a few difficult years as he tried to figure out how to thrive as a fine art painter. Stephen’s father encouraged him to take a workshop from artist Skip Whitcomb. It was just what he needed. That workshop opened his eyes to the value of painting outdoors and gave him access to real-world, practical business advice.

But there was a problem. In seeking gallery representation, one gallery owner made a frank observation about Stephen’s work: his work was derivative, looking much like the paintings of his workshop instructors. Rather than be dismayed by the criticism, Stephen viewed it as an encouragement to allow his artistic voice to emerge with confidence. He made the determination to be true to himself and his vision. The result? A stunning body of work that is truly unique. And, galleries – including Mark Sublette’s Medicine Man Gallery – took note.

Stephen’s love of the landscape remains strong. He frequently explores the western landscape near his home in Grand Junction, Colorado, with his plein air gear. If you are hiking deep in the high desert and red rock country of Colorado and Utah, it's possible you might just get a dazzling glimpse of Stephen C. Datz painting the rhythm and geometry of nature.


Stephen C. Datz

Style is the imprint of the intuitive, subconscious personality.
— Stephen C. Datz

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Stephen C. Datz

Pastel Artists Featured on the Artful Painter

Victoria Taylor-Gore

Skip Whitcomb

Lorenzo Chavez

Other Artful Painter Episode Mentions

John Pototschnik

Dan McCaw


The Art Spirit (by Robert Henri) (paid link)

The Elements of Color (by Johannes Itten) (paid link)

Unknown Terrain: The Landscapes of Andrew Wyeth (by Beth Venn, Adam D. Weinberg, Michael G. Kammen, Whitney Museum of Art) (paid link)

Andrew Wyeth: Memory & Magic (by John Wilmerding, Anne Knutson, Kathleen Foster, Michael Taylor, and Christopher Crosman) (paid link)

Akademichka: The academic dacha through the eyes of Nikolai Timkov (by Alexander Borovsky) (paid link)

Everett Ruess: A Vagabond for Beauty (by W. L. Rusho) (paid link)

Desert Dreams: The Art of Maynard Dixon (paid link)

Carl Olson

Artist, photographer, filmmaker, and podcaster.

Paul Foropoulos


Lorenzo Chavez