Ralph Oberg

Mountain Painter

Episode 1

Episode length: 55 minutes

Ralph Oberg - mountain painter - is an avid mountaineer and wilderness backpacker. His paintings reflect a deep love of the wilderness and unspoiled nature. Painting both outdoors and in his studio, Ralph captures the beauty of both the landscape and the wildlife that inhabits it. As a long time member of Plein Air Painters of America, Ralph is a gentle and kind teacher to those who want to learn the art of painting.

In this conversation, you will hear:

  • How Ralph’s skills as an artist grew by learning from other accomplished artists.

  • His sense of urgency in preserving the high glaciers whose existence are threatened.

  • The importance of developing a strong work ethic as a painter and the need to always be honing your skills as a painter.

  • He also laments the sport-i-fication of plein air painting - but also sees the benefits of it.

  • It’s never too late to learn and enjoy painting.

Ralph Oberg

Artist Ralph Oberg begins a plein air painting during a workshop at Cooper’s Furnace, near Cartersville, Georgia.


Click on the images above for a larger view.


Ralph Oberg: http://www.ralphoberg.com

Carl Olson

Artist, photographer, filmmaker, and podcaster.


Matt Smith